Our outlook for 2025

A promising year ahead. With much thought and preparation, we are prioritising our lives to better deal with these uncertain times. We feel empowered to better the chances of resilience and know-how, collectively and constructively. With physical and mental health...

A collective account of ecosophical experiences

EcoRev’ 2021/2 N° 51  Translated by Connie Chow-Petit This article recounts the ecosophical experience of the La MYNE third-place communities, a singularity in the French landscape in its practices ‘on the edge of chaos’, with multiple realities, and around...

Towards a Community permanent contract, “Le CDI Communautaire”

By Connie & Benjamin Chow-Petit et Nicolas Loubet Translated by: Connie Chow-Petit, Licence : CC by-SA International 4.0 The Community CDI: An experiment in community employment contracts La Myne is a citizen laboratory, a community and a free and open source...

The semi-open organisation as a response to chaos

Article from “La Revue” No. 12, ANACT National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions, entitled, “Organisational and managerial alternatives: promises and realities? Translated by Connie Chow-Petit.Link :...

Notes on Design – C&B Chow-Petit interview

Publications – Interview with Connie et Benjamin Chow-Petit by Sylvia Fredriksson Translated by Connie Chow-Petit, from an interview in May 2021 / published on 21 July 2021 originally here: http://notesondesign.org/connie-et-benjamin-chow-petit/  For many...