We are all Dreamers & Builders
We are contributors to several commons initiatives, notably the the citizen laboratory & third place, La MYNE, in Villeurbanne, France. For 20 years, we have been involved in Hacker ecosystems, then Makers, FabLabs and third places. We were members of the collegial council of La MYNE, and co-founders of the Oxamyne cooperative and of the Coexiscience association, as well as part of the founding team of Third Place Making.
We were equally involved in numerous territorial dynamics – including social, technological, legal-financial innovation, scientific research, and the commons. We strive to respond to societal challenges by connecting people, organisations, technologies and ideas in order to generate, adapt and validate constructive dynamics. Depending on the challenges, our own role emerges – and it varies greatly as a result.
Stories of…
Sometimes we write about our place in the universe and the cosmos. Here you will find those writings.
“Whether inspired by a text, a person, or by the deep observation of the vastness of the Universe, or by participating in society and deciphering its intricate and often challenging patterns; our quest for meaning is a powerful drive.”
“Meaning is created rather than found. It often involves getting familiar with the turmoils and aleas of complexity and all that it entails. Understanding is often key to loving ; and loving, key to understanding.“
“The series of writings “Stories of…” aims to share a perspective on different topics that had a deep impact on our personal journeys and underlie most if not all of our actions.”